SS 400/110 kV Bitola 2

The first project of replacing the entire system of protection and management, while all other bays smoothly perform the intended functions.
Bitola, the most important substation in Macedonia, is directly linked to the biggest and most essential production unit in the country represented by the MEC Bitola thermal power plant. It consists of 13 110-kV bays and 8 400-kV bays, of which one is an international line towards Greece. Replacement of the entire old system of management and protection, following a period of deterioration, large fire and poor repair, and without any existing documentation, was a big challenge for Dalekovod. Time limits and predetermined deadlines, when exactly certain parts will be strategically turned off and be subjected to achieving the targeted project, contributed to the complexity of the task organization. Dalekovod has performed the job professionally and on time.
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