The Dalekovod company offers suspension equipment for OPGW which guarantees superior protection of OPGW lines and optical fibres in the suspension point. The effects of wind induced movement on OPGW, such as aeolic vibration, galloping and sag, is also minimalized.

The terminal connectors for OPGW are designed for including OPGW, and at the same time minimizing any kind of tension that might be transferred to the fibre optic within the line. The fittings can be secured based on the planned OPGW design.

The Stockbridge vibration muffler is installed on the OPGW on aboveground transmission lines in order to control wind induced aeolic vibrations. Strong aeolic vibrations may cause unexpected rapid cuts in the OPGW line, especially in the connectors, where dynamic stresses and tension is superimposed on the static tension and stresses. The use of correctly designed mufflers are crucial for the protection of OPGW and fittings.

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